Imaginons demain par la tech 👉 Rejoindre OUIcoding

About us

We connect the best tech talent đŸ„‡ to global innovative opportunities. 

The objective is to create a community of OUIcodeurs to support our clients in the development of their products 📈

En quelques chiffres 📈

Experts dans la communauté OUIcoding
+ 0
Villes en France
3 Certifications et un Label
Supported projects
+ 0
PÎles pour une offre 360°
Participating companies
+ 0

Our values ❀


We love people. We believe that people succeed in their mission when they are happy. We strive to ensure that both our employees and our customers are happy working with us every day.


L’excellence est notre moteur. Chaque jour, nous cherchons Ă  dĂ©passer les attentes de nos clients et Ă  offrir des solutions qui allient performance, innovation et qualitĂ©. Pour nous, l’excellence est un engagement. Nous croyons que les dĂ©tails font la diffĂ©rence et que l’apprentissage continu est essentiel pour maintenir notre niveau d’exigence. 


Trust is the foundation of our business. Trust is freedom and peace of mind. We encourage constructive and sincere working relationships. If the company is flexible about teleworking and working methods, it is because it trusts

Similarly, our clients entrust us with their most ambitious projects because they trust us. Our struggle, that of all OUIcodeurs, is to deserve this trust.


Whatever you can do or dream, start it. Boldness has genius, power and magic. Let's be bold because they alone change the world.
Let's think differently, do modern things, be wrong, win or lose but always with boldness and panache.

Our mission đŸ«Ą

To help our clients design innovative and useful tech products. To do this, we bring together talents, everywhere, capable of accompanying our clients in the digitalisation of their products and business.

Our vision đŸȘ„

Create an ecosystem that fosters innovation and collaboration. Within OUIcoding, everyone will be able to train, learn, transmit, create and do. Making the world fairer can only be done by making people better.

Testimonials 💌

TĂ©moignage de Nadine

Lefebvre Dalloz aime notre travail


OUIcoding nous a prĂ©sentĂ© deux spĂ©cialistes en intelligence artificielle d’une compĂ©tence indĂ©niable. Ils se sont aisĂ©ment intĂ©grĂ©s Ă  nos Ă©quipes techniques, renforçant ainsi notre capacitĂ© Ă  crĂ©er des solutions innovantes basĂ©es sur l’IA. Leur apport a dynamisĂ© notre progression dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle, mettant simultanĂ©ment en lumiĂšre la promesse des talents de OUIcoding dans cette technologie de pointe.
